Tuesday 26 March 2019

Router in Angular 6,7,8

interface Route {
  path?: string
  pathMatch?: string
  matcher?: UrlMatcher
  component?: Type<any>
  redirectTo?: string
  outlet?: string
  canActivate?: any[]
  canActivateChild?: any[]
  canDeactivate?: any[]
  canLoad?: any[]
  data?: Data
  resolve?: ResolveData
  children?: Routes
  loadChildren?: LoadChildren
  runGuardsAndResolvers?: RunGuardsAndResolvers

1.      path - It uses the route matcher DSL
2.      pathMatch - It uses to specifies the matching strategy
3.      matcher - It uses to defines a custom strategy for path matching
4.      component - It is a component type
5.      redirectTo - It is the URL fragment and it will replace the current matched segment
6.      outlet - It is the name of the outlet the component should be placed into
7.      canActivate  - It is an array of DI tokens  and used to handle the CanActivate handlers
8.      canActivateChild - It is an array of DI tokens and used to handle the CanActivateChild handlers
9.      canDeactivate - It is an array of DI tokens and used to handle the CanDeactivate handlers
10.  canLoad - It is an array of DI tokens and used to handle the CanLoad handlers
11.  data - It is additional data provided to the component by using the ActivatedRoute
12.  resolve - It is a map of DI tokens used to look up data resolvers
13.  runGuardsAndResolvers - It is defined when guards and resolvers will be run and by default, they run only when the matrix parameters of the route change.
14.  children - it is an array of child route definitions
15.  loadChildren - It is a reference to lazily loaded child routes.

Angular router has own library package - @angular/router.
import {RoutesRouterModule,}  from '@angular/router';

The basic concept of Angular Router and It allows you to -
1.      Redirect a URL to another URL
2.      Resolve data before a page is displayed
3.      Run scripts when a page is activated or deactivated
4.      Lazy load parts of our application

The router supports both styles with two LocationStrategy providers -
1.      PathLocationStrategy— this is the default style.
2.      HashLocationStrategy— adds the route path to the hash (#) in the browser’s URL.

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