Thursday 28 April 2022

MongoDB locally on Ubuntu 20.04 code=exited, status=14


$ sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock $ sudo systemctl status mongod $ sudo systemctl start mongodb Failed to start mongodb.service: Unit mongodb.service is masked. $ sudo systemctl unmask mongodb Removed /etc/systemd/system/mongodb.service. $ sudo systemctl start mongodb Job for mongodb.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status mongodb.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

$ sudo service mongod stop
$ sudo apt-get purge mongodb-org*
$ sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb
$ sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongodb
$ sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

$ sudo systemctl start mongod
$ sudo systemctl status mongod
● mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since

Saturday 9 April 2022

TypeScript Record Type

 Utility Types

A Record is a utility type — that means it is a type especially defined by TypeScript to help with a certain problem.

example you have a data set like this:

const myData = {
"adfsdfsd1" : { firstName: "Pranay", lastName: "Soni" },
"sddsf24" : { firstName: "Pranay1", lastName: "Soni1" },
"sdfsdf5" : { firstName: "Pranay2", lastName: "Soni2" }

Our data set has an ID for its key, which is of type string. All of the values have the same format — that is, they have a firstName and lastName.

For this data structure, a Record is the best utility type to use. We can define our data structure type as follows:

type User = {
firstName: string,
lastName: string
const myData:Record<string, User> = {
"123w" : { firstName: "Pranay1", lastName: "Soni1" },
"124s" : { firstName: "Pranay2", lastName: "Soni2" },
"125f" : { firstName: "Pranay3", lastName: "Soni3" },

A Record takes the form Record<K, T>, where K is the type of the key, and T is the type of the values.

Above, we defined a new type User for our values, and set our keys to type string.

Record Types and Union Types

Sometimes, we can have an object with a predefined set of possible keys. This is particularly true when calling from an API. For example:

const myData = {
"india" : { firstName: "Pranay1", lastName: "Soni1" },
"usa" : { firstName: "Pranay2", lastName: "Soni2" },
"japan" : { firstName: "Pranay3", lastName: "Soni3" },

Let’s presume that for our data set above, the key can only be three values: uk, france or india. In this case, we can define a type for User, and a union type for our key:

type User = {
firstName: string,
lastName: string
type Country = "uk" | "france" | "india";
const myData:Record<Country, User> = {
"india" : { firstName: "Pranay1", lastName: "Soni1" },
"usa" : { firstName: "Pranay2", lastName: "Soni2" },
"japan" : { firstName: "Pranay3", lastName: "Soni3" },

Using this method, we can enforce strict rules about the values the key is allowed to be, along with the type our values should conform to

Saturday 2 April 2022

mongoose full text search in nestjs

import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
const SALT_ROUNDS = 10;

function transformValue(doc, ret: { [key: string]: any }) {
delete ret._id;
delete ret.password;

export interface IUserSchema extends mongoose.Document {
organizationId: string;

export const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema<IUserSchema>(
type: String
type: String,
password: {
type: String
userRole: {
type: []
firstName: {
type: String
lastName: {
type: String
address: {
type: String
status: {
type: String
toObject: {
virtuals: true,
versionKey: false,
transform: transformValue,
toJSON: {
virtuals: true,
versionKey: false,
transform: transformValue,

UserSchema.index({ "$**": "text" },
{ name: "userTextIndex",locale: 'en', strength: 2}) //

in Your Nest Js Mongo Config Service look like import {
} from '@nestjs/mongoose';

export class MongoConfigService implements MongooseOptionsFactory {
createMongooseOptions(): MongooseModuleOptions {
return {
uri: process.env.MONGO_DSN,
useNewUrlParser: true,
useCreateIndex: true,
useFindAndModify: false,
useUnifiedTopology: true,

db.getCollection('user').find({ $text: { $search: "activ"} }); mongoose full text search in nestjs
mongodb full text search in nodejs
mongodb full $text $search in nodejs
mongoose create text indexes