Wednesday 10 July 2019

Group by created_at date_trunc to the day level in postgres

Using date_trunc to reduce time precision
date_trunc is one of many date/time functions built into Postgres, but certainly scores high in its bang for the buck for me.
date_trunc truncates timestamps to a certain level of precision, such as a specific hour, second, day, week, year, or so on.
As an example, let's create a very simple orders table which stores solely the time an order is created:
CREATE TABLE orders (created_at timestamp);

  ('2019-01-01 04:05:33'),
  ('2019-01-01 09:05:51'),
  ('2019-01-03 02:55:14'),
  ('2019-01-08 14:12:07');
Now, we can use date_trunc upon created_at to, say, group and count orders by day or week:
SELECT date_trunc('day', created_at) AS day,
       COUNT(created_at) FROM orders
       GROUP BY day
       ORDER BY day;
day                 | count
2019-01-01T00:0 ... | 2
2019-01-08T00:0 ... | 1
2019-01-03T00:0 ... | 1
This basic example shows that if we group by created_at truncated to the day level, we can count how many orders there were on each unique day.

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